martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

Las parodias del porno vol. 31

Secretary - The perfect Secretary
Dr. Strangelove (¿Teléfono rojo? Volamos hacia Moscú.) - Dr. Strange Sex
Lords of Dogtown (Los amos de Dogtown) - Lords of Doggie Style Town
Mary Poppins - Mary Pops In
My big fat greek wedding (Mi gran boda griega) - This is not My big fat greek wedding it´s a xxx spoof!
Napoleon Dynamite - Naporneon Dynamite
Phatom of the opera (El fantasma de la opera) - Panting at the opera
Regarding Henry (A propósito de Henry) - Regarding Hiney
Revenge of the nerds (La revancha de los novatos) - Official Revenge of the nerds parody
Saturday Night Fever (Fiebre del sábado noche) - Saturday Night Fever XXX
Slumdog Millionaire - This is not Slumdog Millionaire it's a spoof!
The beverly hillbillies (Rústicos en dinerolandia)- Beverly hillbillies XXX
The Big Lebowski (El gran Lebowski) - The Big lebowski a xxx parody

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