martes, 5 de junio de 2012

Las parodias del porno vol. 25

Twilight - Twinklight
The Twilight Saga Eclipse - This Isn't Eclipse
The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn - This Isn't Breaking Dawn
The Twilight Saga New Moon - This Isn't New Moon
La saga Crepúsculo

A Tale Of Two Cities - A Tale Of Two Titties
Boomerang (El príncipe de las mujeres) - Boomeranal
Click - The Click Remote Sex Control
Dirty Harry (Harry El Sucio) - Dirty Sharry
Footloose (Todos a bailar) - This Isn't Footloose
Hocus Pocus (El retorno de las brujas) - Hocus Pocus XXX
Inception (Origen) - The Inception
It's A Wonderful Life (Qué bello es vivir) - Tits A Wonderful Life
Little Darlings (Faldas revoltosas) - Little Darlin's
Memoirs Of A Geisha (Memorias de una Geisha) - Memoirs Of Mika Tan
Repomen - Repogirl
Saw - Saw A Hardcore Parody
The Accidental Tourist (El turista accidental) - The Accidental Hooker
El Padrino - The Goddaughter
The Godfather - The Godmother
La matanza de Texas - Camp Cuddly Pines Powertool Massacre
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Texas Vibrator Massacre

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