martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

Las parodias del porno vol.18 - Libros, Cómics y Teatro

300 - The Four
The 300
A Midsummer Night's Dream (El sueño de una noche de verano) - A Midsummer Night's Cream
Alice In Wonderland - Erica McLean's Alice
Alicia en el país de las maravillas - Malice in Lalaland
Alice In Wonderland A XXX Parody
Alice A Fairy Love Tale
Alice In Wonderland an X-rated Musical Comedy
Conan The Barbarian (Conan El Barbaro) - This Ain't Conan The Barbarian XXX
Frankenstein - Spankenstein
The Bride Of Frankenstein - Mistress Frankenstein
Hamlet - X Hamlet
Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal) - Whorey Potter & The Sorcerer's Balls
Jack & The Beanstalk (Jack y las habichuelas mágicas) - Jackin The Beanstalk
Josie & The Pussycats (Josie y las melódicas) - Joelean & The Pussycats
Little Orphan Annie - Little Orphan Sammy
The Lord Of The Rings - Lord Of The Strings
El señor de los anillos - Whore Of The Rings
Nancy Drew - Nancy Crew
Red Riding Hood (Caperucita Roja) - Red Riding Hood XXX
Romeo And Juliet
Sin City - Sex City
Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs (Blancanieves y los siete enanitos) - Snow White & 7 Dwarfs
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - This Isn't The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
The Girl With The Heart-Shaped Tattoo
Girl With The Horny Tattoo
The Nutcracker (El cascanueces) - The Nutcracker A XXX Parody
Through The Looking Glass

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