lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010

Las parodias del porno vol.14

Barbarella - Boobarella
Desperately Seeking Susan (Buscando a susan desesperadamente) - Desperatelly Seeking Shay
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (El bueno, el malo y el feo) - The good The bad The Wicker
Fast Times At Ridgemont High (Aquel excitante curso) - Fast Times At deep crack high
Dude, Where's my car? (¿Colega, Donde esta mi coche?) - Dude, Where's my dildo
Dial M for Murder (Crimen Perfecto) - Dial e for enema
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (Cliente muerto no paga) - Dead men dont wear rubbers
Dangerous Minds (Mentes Peligrosas) - Dangerous Behinds
Cliffhanger (Máximo Riesgo) - Cliffbanger
City Of Angels (Ciudad de Ángeles) - City of anals
Born on the Fourth of July (Nacido el 4 de julio)
Being John Malcovich (Como ser John Malkovich) - Being with Juli Ashton
Beavis & Butthead - Beaver & Buttface
Armed and Dangerous (Armados y Peligrosos) - Charmed & Dangerous

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