domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

Las parodias del porno vol.7

Dumb And Dumber (2 tontos muy tontos) - Plumb And Dumber
The Blue Lagoon (El lago azul) - The Pink Lagoon
The Goonies (Los Goonies) - The Poonies
Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs (Blanca Nieves Y Los Siete Enanitos) - Snow White & 7 Dwarfs
Sleepless In Seattle (Algo para recordar) - Sheepless In Montana
Single White Female (Mujer Blanca Soltera Busca) - Single White Shemale
The Silence of the Lambs (El silencio de los corderos) - The Silence of the Buns
Robin Hood - Throbin Hood
Rebel Wiouth A Cause (Rebelde Sin Causa) - Rebel Without A Condom
Patch Adams - Snatch Adams
Lifestyles of rich and famous - Sex Lives of the Rich and Famous
Romy y Michelle's High School Reunion - Tabitha and Kimberly's High School Reunion
Frankenstein - Spankenstein

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