Las parodias del porno vol. 29 - Especial Quentin Tarantino

Reservoir Dogs - Rezervoir Doggs
Pulp Fiction - Pulp Friction
Death Proof - King Cobra
Machete - Kung Fu Nurses A Go-Go
Planet Terror - Fuck The World

Grindhouse - Grindhouse XXX
Zombie Strippers
Kill Bill Volume 1 - Kill Jill
Kill Bill Volume 2 - Kill Jill Volume 2
Inglorious Basterds (Malditos Bastardos) - Inglorious Bitches
Murder On The Orient Express (Asesinato en el Orient Express) - Lust on the Orient Express
North By NorthWest - South By Southeast
Psycho - Official Psycho Parody
Urban Cowboy - This Ain't Urban Cowboy XXX
Beneath the valley of the Ultra Vixens - Atomic Vixens
Shaft - Offical Shaft Parody
Singin In The Rain (Cantando bajo la lluvia) - Swinging in the Rain
The Lost World (El mundo perdido) - Lost World
The Mummy Returns - The Curse Eternal
The Mummy - Mummy The Unwrapping
La Momia
The Mummy 3 The Parting

sábado, 28 de julio de 2012